Your credit union has limited resources. Which projects are most likely to lead to increased loyalty, which leads to organic growth? Which subset of your membership is giving you which feedback? Which service improvements are most likely to create more promoters? Where are your product and service gaps? Which delivery channels need improvement? Which project will have the biggest bang for your buck?
It all begins with asking your members the right questions at the right times. Member Intelligence Group provides a full 360 degree approach to soliciting, organizing, and analyzing this feedback to inform your strategic decision making.
All surveys can be conducted bilingually, with your members selecting whether they prefer to take the survey in Spanish.
Engagement Survey
Our cornerstone survey, the Member Engagement Survey measures attitudinal and behavioral loyalty to provide actionable data to inform strategic decision making.
Experience Loop Survey
Transactional surveys provide immediate feedback from members on the quality and effectiveness of everyday interactions with your employees and delivery channels
New Account Survey
Every new membership, deposit and loan account is surveyed to measure how well your credit union fulfilled its service promise - according to the member
Closed Account Survey
Members close their accounts every day. Many times they are willing to share why they ended their relationship with your credit union. Have you bothered to ask?
Product Research
Ensure your offerings are in line with consumer expectations and the competitive market
Internal Service Survey
Discover the perceived service levels of internal departments supporting each other
Employee Engagement
Ensuring the workforce is actively engaged is one of the primary ways to ensure consistent service delivery, reduced turnover and ongoing success.